In 2005, Leading from his Heart and seeing the great need for our unhoused individuals and the rising numbers of individuals with mental health and substance abuse issues, Dr. Allen S. Turner decided to become a Solution.
Dr. Allen S. Turner and his GLOM team developed a unique evidence-based approach to provide support in reconnecting thousands of previously incarcerated individuals back to their communities as value adds for themselves and their families.
As a Solution to Community Issues, Dr. Turner and GLOM saw the rising numbers of our unhoused individuals across the Bay Area as well in Northern and Central California. He recognized the need and moved into action and began opening licensed homes to service individuals with a focus on their root cause issues. Together they developed and instituted the unique GLOM Way and APPROACH. The APPROACH was to ensure GLOM not only cared for the individuals, but that we also worked collaboratively, with each person, to ensure our joint goal of each person returning back to their community as a positive re-addition.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide individualized, evidence-based treatment in a support enriched environment to decrease the impact to those who suffer from the disease of addiction.
The philosophy behind G.L.O.M.’s Substance Abuse Programs promotes that people with new, ongoing, or chronic substance abuse and addiction issues not only belong in the community but can be productive and contributing members of that community. It is our belief that any individual regardless of the severity of their disorder has the potential to add value to the community. Our desire is to help our participants restore themselves and become a part of, as well as becoming an asset to, the community. By providing an environment that allows engagement in a full-cycle support while living in a community environment ensures recovery for our participants that is life lasting.
What is GLOMS impact in and on the community?
Leading with a HEART for PEOPLE, GLOM has serviced thousands of individuals with multiple disorders and needs.
We continue to impact our communities by providing valuable services to our citizens who have faced the disease of addiction. GLOM’s approach provides an ATMOSPHERE away from judgmental and shameful finger pointing in a safe and supportive environment that will allow each participant to reconnect with their pre-disease existence.

What is the GLOM Way & Our approach?
At GLOM, we provide an integrated approach to solving our communities’ issues using expert Certified Addiction Experts, Registered Addiction Counselors, Experienced Residential Support Staff with Contracted Medical Staff and Psychiatric Support if needed”.
G.L.O.M. SAP offers an integrated residential treatment program for those struggling with substance use disorders. Our program is person-centered. Ours is an approach to determine, plan for, and work towards the preferred future of participants in our program. Person-centered planning is a framework for making decisions and will be based on the awareness of and sensitivity to the lifestyles and cultural background of each participant. Our program is designed to help guide and support people within all levels of substance use disorders.
It has been our endeavor to bridge the gap between the underserved people who need help and companies like ours. One goal is to take the need for substances away and to replace it with the desire to be a fully functioning member of their community and society. Reintegration into family, community, work and life is our number one goal in recovery assistance.
- With our unique approach, we go above and beyond normal requirements for Quality Care and Safety Standards as we believe every participant deserves to be in an area that allows them the best success in reaching their goals and becoming again, valuable members of their community.
- With over 18 years of combined service,GLOM has developed a deep commitment and legacy in service to men, women, and young adults with Substance Use Disorders to support them towards productive members of their communities.
- Our approach and process provides a Continuum of Care which differentiates levels of services based on an individual’s needs.
- We have achieved Uncommon Results for our participants by building TRUSTING RELATIONSHIPs with them, as well as our county partners, and communities using Evidence Based Solutions.
- We strive to build a culture of understanding where not only our participants feel support ed and understood, but an environment where the work they do together can help to achieve Life Changing, Long Lasting Outcomes.
The philosophy behind G.L.O.M.’s Substance Abuse Programs promotes that people with new, ongoing, or chronic substance abuse and addiction issues not only belong in the community but can be productive and contributing members of that community. It is our belief that any individual regardless of the severity of their disorder has the potential to add value to the community. Our desire is to help our clients restore themselves and become a part of, as well as becoming an asset to, the community. By providing an environment that allows engagement in a full-cycle support while living in a community environment ensures recovery for our clients that is life lasting.